NIAD's Hall of Fame
Investigators, Medical Examiners, Lawyers, Writers.
NIAD has compiled a list of professionals whose honesty and hard work have produced some remarkible achievements in the pursuit of justice. We proudly list them here. We welcome nominations to this hallowed list. We also have a Hall of Shame below.

John Lenitini
Atlanta, GA
Arson Investigator Accomplishments too numerous to mention, but NIAD is grateful for his burn tests showing that Mark Kirk was framed on fraudulent evidence.

Gerald Hurst
Austin, TX
Arson Investigator
Accomplishments too numerous to mention.

Peter Klaput
Arson Investigator
Assistance with the Japan Higashi-Sumiyoshi Case has resulted in retrials being granted.

Carter Roberts
Dallas, TX
Arson Investigator
Testified that the state's claims of arson against Garland "Butch" Martin were frivolous and unscientific.

Bob Ruff
Fire Investigator/ Justice Advocate
Podcast Webmaster of
Truth and Justice

Sheila M. Barry
Richmond, VA
Author & Activist
Director, along with her husband Doug,of
Truth in Justice

Dr. Lloyd White
M.E Tarrant County, TX
Testified on behalf of Butch Martin.

Hans Sherrer
Seattle, WA
Author, Editor, Activist Director of
Justice: Denied!

Dave Mann
Austin, TX
Author of many fine articles on criminal injustices.

Patrick Andler
Fire Investigator

Paul Bieber
The Arson Project

NIAD's Hall of Shame
Those who fiddled to see innocents burned.

Former Delaware State Fire Marshal
Fabricated an experiment in which Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum, an inflammable liquid, bursts into flames after being poured on an electric burner. (Investigator John Lentini later proved this to be fraudulent).

Prosecutor in the Kirk case.
Later removed from office after pleading guilty to DWI and breaking and entering、some of his previous convictions have been declared malicious and have been overturned.

Cameron Todd Willingham Case
Hall of Shame Members
Corsicana Texas
Assistant Fire Chief
Called critics of his ineptitude, "bleeding hearts that are against the death penalty."
Former Fire Marshal
"Not a single independent scientist came forth to defend the work of Texas Deputy Fire Marshal Manuel Vasquez, who died in 1994, or the Corsicana arson investigator."
Assistant State Fire Marshal
Is defending the state's case against Willingham in front of a Forensic Commision. His work has been called "embarrassing" by the scientific community.
chief medical examiner: Lubbock County
Forensic anthropologist
Armstrong Laboratories
Fire Marshall
Fire Marshall Dale Little stated that his investigation showed that the fire started in the back of the house in the master bedroom near the backdoor from a pour pattern, indicating the presence of a flammable liquid. Armstrong Laboratories Director John Corn said they tested positive for Norpar and deparaffinated kerosene (DPK). Based on Armstrong’s results, Little testified that the cause of the fire was arson and that the liquid poured in the house was lamp oil.
The autopsy of Kristen Martin revealed no injuries other than those caused by the fire. Dr. Lloyd White, (Hall of Fame above) forensic pathologist and medical examiner for Nueces County, testified that the brain injuries found on Brady and Marcia were a common finding in deaths associated with fire (as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning). He maintained that there was nothing to conclude the injuries were caused by blunt trauma.
Carter Roberts, (Hall of Fame listed above) a certified fire investigator, testified about his own inspection of the house and review of Little’s findings. He stated that there was not enough evidence to determine what Little described as a pour pattern. He disputed Little’s conclusion that the fire started in the bedroom and believed that it started instead on the back porch. Finally, Roberts criticized the fire investigators for discounting and then discarding an extension cord which connected a refrigerator on the back porch to an outlet inside the house. He concluded that Little was looking for arson from the outset and immediately abandoned any search for an accidental cause, disregarding a fundamental tenant of fire investigation.

Daniel Dougherty
Convicted 14 years after the fire
Hall of Shame Members
John Quinn
Assistant Fire Marshall

Assistant District Attorney
Called Hall of Fame member John Lentini “ a whore who will say anything in exchange for a consultant’s fee.” More